Homélies de Dom Armand Veilleux

15 août 2024 -- Solennité de l'Assomption de Marie
Apoc 11,19; 12, 1...10; 1 Cor 15, 20-26; Luc 1, 39-56


          Ce récit de l’Évangile que nous venons d’entendre est empreint d’une fraîcheur qu’il fait bon de retrouver après avoir entendu le tableau plutôt violent de la vision de l’Apocalypse que nous communiquait la première lecture, ainsi que le texte de saint Paul nous décrivant le Christ écrasant de ses pieds tous ses ennemis, même si le dernier ennemi qu’il détruit est la mort.

15 August 2024 -- Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Rev 11:19; 12:1...10; 1 Cor 15:20-26; Luke 1:39-56


The Gospel account we have just heard is full of a freshness that is good to find again after hearing the rather violent picture of the vision of the Apocalypse given in the first reading, as well as Saint Paul's text describing Christ crushing all his enemies with his feet, even if the last enemy he destroys is death.

14 August 2024 - Wednesday of the 19th week “B”

Ezekiel 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Matt 18:15-20


When we see someone acting in a way that doesn't seem right to us, and especially when we think that someone has personally offended us or been unfair to us, we are easily led to set ourselves up as God's vigilantes -- rather like the exterminating angels in the vision of Ezekiel, which we had as our first reading. We are still living in the Old Testament, just like the prophet Elijah who slaughtered the 450 prophets of Baal before his encounter with God on Mount Horeb, or Paul leading the Christians to their death before his journey to Damascus. The message of Jesus is quite different.

16 August 2024 - Friday of the 19th week ‘B

Ezekiel 16:1...63; Matt 19:3, 12


Jesus' teaching in this Gospel is about fidelity, both fidelity in marriage and fidelity in celibacy. I say ‘in’ marriage and ‘in’ celibacy, because you are not faithful to marriage or celibacy, but to a person. In celibacy, we are faithful to the person of Jesus Christ, since it was with a view to his kingdom that we became celibate; and in marriage, we are also faithful to Jesus Christ, but this fidelity is then embodied in fidelity to a wife or a husband.

13 August 2024 -- Tuesday of the 19th week "B"

Ezekiel 2:8 -- 3:4; Matt 18:1-5. 10. 12-14


Jesus' disciples were always worried about which of them would be the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven! Today's Gospel gives us two answers from Jesus to this concern of his disciples. In the first, he invites them to become like little children again.

13 August 2024 -- Tuesday of the 19th week "B"

Ezekiel 2:8 -- 3:4; Matt 18:1-5.Ezekiel 2:8 -- 3:4; Matt 18:1-5. 10. 12-1410. 12-14


Jesus' disciples were always worried about which of them would be the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven! Today's Gospel gives us two answers from Jesus to this concern of his disciples. In the first, he invites them to become like little children again.

12 août 2024 - Lundi de la 19ème semaine "B"

Ézéchiel 1, 2-5. 24-28; Matt 17, 22-27


                  Dans le lectionnaire férial, nous commençons aujourd'hui la lecture du Livre du prophète Ézéchiel. Celui-ci semble faire un effort pour bien montrer que la Parole de Dieu lui a été adressée à un moment très particulier de l'histoire d'Israël, et dans un endroit précis. C'était, dit-il, le 5ème mois de la 5ème année du règne de Jehoiachim, au pays des Chaldéens, près du fleuve Kebar.