1 November 2024 - Feast of All Saints
Rev 7:2-4.9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a
These words of Jesus are surprising words. They are not very 'religious'. There is no question of religion, not even of prayer. They refer to real life - a life in which there are people who suffer and are comforted, people who are subject to their fate and are finally fulfilled, people who are hungry and thirsty for justice, people who are pure of heart and work for peace in this world, but also poor people and the persecuted. A world, after all, not so different from our own. And to this world Jesus offers happiness. A happiness that is available to everyone, if instead of running after the idols of money and power, we opt for the reign of God. "Blessed are the poor; they have chosen the kingdom of heaven".