May 6, 2024 – Monday of the 6th week of Easter

Acts 16, 11-15; John 15, 26--16, 4 


          Throughout this week, we will continue to read, as Gospel reading, parts of the long discourse of Jesus to His disciples in chapter 15 and 16 of the Gospel of John. Jesus promises to His disciples to send them the Holy Spirit. Then, He informs them of what they will have to endure and He gives them His recommendations. Then, the first reading, always from the Book of Acts, will show us how Paul and his companion Luke realized their mission in various pagan cities.

          In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus promises His disciples to send them the Spirit who comes from the Father. He calls that Spirit the “parakletos”, (Paraclete) which can be translated by “consoler” (consolator) as well as “helper” (auxiliator). That Spirit is first of all the “Spirit of Truth”. It is very important to mention that name of the Spirit of God, because, with Jesus’ death, we have reached the culminating point of the struggle between the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of lies. At the time of Jesus’ death, the Spirit of lies seemed to be the winner; nevertheless, He was totally defeated through the Resurrection of Jesus.

          That struggle still goes on and will continue till the end of the world, because it is important that the spirit of lies, the spirit of evil, that was defeated by Christ be also defeated in our lives and in each one of our hearts.

          If we cannot comprehend the mystery of God, it is because it is too strong a Light for our mortal eyes. But if we cannot comprehend the mystery of evil, it is simply because it is the total absence of light; it is is absolute darkness.

          With our human imagination, we can imagine all kinds of things about the “prince of evil”; however, the only revealed truth about him is that it was defeated by Christ, and that it would therefore be ridiculous to fear him.

          In this time of preparation to Pentecost, let us open our hearts to the light of the Holy Spirit. Rather, let us ask the Lord to open Himself our hearts, like that of Lydia of the city of Philippi, who was mentioned in the first reading. Even before hearing Paul’s preaching, she already venerated God. Therefore her heart was open Paul’s words.

Armand Veilleux